
October 25, 2012

Responding to Chuck Close's artwork

 6th graders enjoyed learning about the artwork of Chuck Close this week. Although Mr. Close is physically handicapped, he makes very creative and unique pieces of portrait art. The styles he uses are also unique: woodblock prints, stencils, grid systems, and fingerprints.  Students responded to his creations by explaining his techniques and purposes for creating his artworks.   
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Conservation Contest!!

 This week students are competing in the area-wide conservation art contest.  The topic for this year's project is "Kentucky's Forests Branching Out."
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October 15, 2012

Students enjoy responding to their favorite Christmas song.

 Each grade level will be performing two songs for our annual Christmas program.  This week each child gets to choose which of the two is their favorite and tell why it is their fav. and draw a picture that portrays that song. 
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October 10, 2012